
New invoice system in japan 2023

Introduction to the New Japanese Invoice System Implementation & Qualified Invoice Issuers

May 2023 Japan will implement a qualified invoice storage method (Japanese Invoice System) from October 2023. Under this new Japanese Invoice System, all qualified invoices, where tax credits for Japanese Consumption Tax (JCT) are applicable, will require proper storage as per the stipulated guidelines. Otherwise, deductions through tax credits may not be applicable, and the amount of JCT payments may increase.   A ‘Qualified Invoice’ is an Invoice or Receipt that is issued by a qualified invoice issuing company and includes the following 6 components   1. The name and registered number of the qualified invoice issuer  2. Transaction Date3. Transaction Detail (clarification of item subject to the reduced tax)4. Transaction Amount (Display respective amounts by applicable tax rate)5. Consumption Tax Amount along with the applicable tax rate6. Name of the counterparty along with billing address  Input of registered number and consumption tax along with the applicable tax rate is the key differentiator from the current invoicing system. A Qualified Invoice Issuer is a taxpaying business that has applied to the tax office and has been registered as a qualified invoice issuer with tax office. Upon registration as a qualified invoice issuer, the business operator will be given a registered number, and that

The Valuation of Startups (Japanese text only)

2023年4月4日に公認会計士協会が、「スタートアップ企業の価値評価実務」というガイドライン(以下、「スタートアップ価値評価ガイドライン」)を公表しました。 これは今まで日本においては明確なガイドラインが無かったスタートアップ企業の価値評価の留意点や種類株式の価値評価を中心に解説しています。

About U.S. Export Regulations – Part I: Overview of U.S. Export Regulations (Japanese Text Only)


Key Takeaways from the 2022 Amendments to Japan’s Transfer Pricing Administrative Guidelines: Loans and Debt Guarantees (Part 1 of 2)

In June 2022, the National Tax Administration Agency (NTA) announced amendments to the Transfer Pricing Administration Guidelines. The amendments are thought to reflect the January 2022 update to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines on financial transactions, and they revise Japan’s legislation on the treatment of financial transactions and cost contribution agreements (CCA). It should be noted that this may affect Japanese companies operating outside of Japan, including those operating in the United States.

HLS Global and AGS Consulting Establish Joint Venture

A partnership created to empower Japanese companies to expand globally Torrance, CA, U.S.A. / Tokyo, Japan: On December 6, 2022, Hotta Liesenberg Saito LLP (HLS) and AGS Consulting Co., Ltd. (AGS) announced the establishment of a joint venture to provide a wide range of support services to Japanese companies expanding globally. In announcing this significant partnership, the two companies are sharing their vision, spirit, and resources while fully committed to the growth and success of all our clients.

What Is the Indication of Fraud (“Red Flags of Fraud”)?

[Japanese text only] 過去の事例を言うまでもなく、不正が発覚すると、企業の業績だけでなく評判にあたえるダメージも大きく、例えば、不正の発覚により取引先から取引が縮小・停止されたり、人の採用が難しくなる、最悪の場合には会社の存続の危機を迎えます。こういった事態を回避するためには、積極的に不正を抑止することが重要です。

One Point Advice on Transfer Pricing Taxation

Transfer pricing is a taxation to set appropriate prices for cross-border transactions with foreign related parties based on the “arm’s-length principle” and to require appropriate tax payment in each country. For example, a transaction in which a U.S. subsidiary purchases a product developed and manufactured by a Japanese parent company and sells it in the U.S. market occurs between related parties. Because of this, the price for this transaction can be arbitrarily determined. In this case, if the sales price from the Japanese parent company to the U.S. subsidiary is too low, the income attributable to this transaction will be transferred from the Japanese parent company to the U.S. subsidiary, resulting in an understatement of taxable income reported in Japan and, conversely, an overstatement of taxable income reported in the United States. Since the income reported in Japan will be understated, if this problem is pointed out during a tax audit, the Japanese Tax Authority will reassess the income based on the correct price and impose additional tax payments, resulting in a double taxation.

Are you Prepared for the Mandatory Anti-Harassment Measures?

Power harassment prevention measures will become mandatory for small and medium-sized enterprises starting from April 1, 2022. The Power Harassment Prevention Act (Revised Act on Comprehensive Promotion of Labor Measures) came into effect on June 1, 2020. It will finally become mandatory for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from April 1, 2022. The recent increase in telework has also had an impact, and issues such as “lack of communication” and “lack of understanding of harassment (managers)” have been cited as some of the challenges faced by employees. Possible countermeasures include revitalization of communication and implementation of training programs for managers.