
New invoice system in japan 2023

German Tax Updates in November 2023

1. Improvement in company car taxation of electric vehicles planned from 2024. 2. BFH decision on non-cash benefits from company car hire. 3. Loss from the sale of significant shares of GmbH. 4. BFH ruled on the legal situation related to GmbH insolvency. 5. Treatment under income tax related to subsequent payment of social security contributions by means of a summation notice. In addition to the legal changes already presented as part of the Growth Opportunities Act, the German government is planning further improvements to the taxation of company cars.   According to the government draft, this involves the following: In the case of private use of a company car that is purely an electric vehicle, only a quarter of the gross list price is used to calculate the non-cash benefit. If the Logbook rule (A method in which the company car users record the mileage of the car driven for private and business use respectively, and non-cash benefit is calculated by the divided amount based on the mileage of private use portion) is applied, only a quarter of the acquisition costs are recognized under current law. However, this rule is applicable only if the gross list price of the vehicle

New invoice system in japan 2023

U.S. GAAP Update – New CECL Standard for Credit Loss: Impact and Measures for Nonfinancial Institutions and Private Companies (Japanese Text Only)

1. CECLの概要 2016年、米国財務会計基準審議会(FASB)は、金融資産(預金、受取手形、売掛金、貸付金、等)の減損の認識に関連して、(予想損失モデル(Current Expected Credit Loss – CECL)に関する新しい基準(ASU 2016-13)を公表しました(FASBから正式に米国会計基準についての改訂等があった場合には、Accounting Standard Update (“ASU”)という形で公表されます)。

New invoice system in japan 2023

Understanding the Difference between Kabushiki Kaisha (K.K.) and Godo Kaisha (G.K.) in Japan

When incorporating a subsidiary in Japan, one of the crucial decisions to make is choosing the appropriate business entity type. Unlimited partnerships (Gomei-Kaisha) and limited partnerships (Goshi-Kaisha) are granted corporate status under the Companies Act too, but the two most common options are Kabushiki Kaisha (K.K.) and Godo Kaisha (G.K.). Each entity type has its own characteristics, advantages, and requirements. In this article, we will explore the key differences between a K.K. and G.K. to help you make an informed decision. The primary difference between a K.K. and G.K. lies in their ownership structure: – Kabushiki Kaisha (K.K.): A K.K. is equivalent to a joint-stock corporation. It is characterized by the issuance of shares to its shareholders, who own the company based on the percentage of their shareholding. The ownership can be easily transferred through the buying and selling of shares. K.K.s must have a board of directors responsible for decision-making and executing company affairs. They are required to appoint at least one director. The representative director, usually the president, represents the company in all legal matters. A shareholder and director can be the same person. – Godo Kaisha (G.K.): A G.K. is similar to a limited liability company. It

New invoice system in japan 2023

Items to be confirmed before and after the start of the New Japanese Invoicing System

【1】Items to be reconfirmed before the New Invoicing System starts Please review the following items to be confirmed if they are being addressed. ※1.The Components needed for a “Qualified Invoice” ※2.System’s capability for handling fractional amounts  3.Communication of the registered number to your business partners  4.Confirmation of registration status/registration number of business partners  5.Price negotiation between Taxpaying entity and Non-Taxpaying entity     (Antitrust law compliance required) ※6.Applicable transactions before and after October 1, 2023

New invoice system in japan 2023

The Importance of Accounting and Taxation Related to U.S. Market Entry (Japanese Text Only)


Taxation on Lottery Winnings in the U.S. (Japanese Text Only)

米国の宝くじですが、米国では日本と違い当選者が出なかった場合は当選金が次の抽選に繰り越されるため、当選金の金額が桁違いとなることが多く、2023年7月10日現在、CA州のMEGA MILLIONSと呼ばれる宝くじは1等賞金が$480million (672億円、$1=140円)、Powerballと呼ばれる宝くじは1等賞金が$650million (910億円、$1=140円)となっています。

New invoice system in japan 2023

About Tax Due Diligence in the U.S.A. (Japanese Text Only)


Amendment to Overtime Premium Rates

SMEs are required to pay a 50% overtime premium for monthly overtime work exceeding 60 hours The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has made a new amendment towards premium wage rate for overtime work for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The amendment implemented in April 2023 raised the overtime premium rate to 50% for SMEs, which previously only applied to large enterprises with grace period measures. With this amendment, the reduction of working hours is expected to lead to improved productivity and performance, but the economic burden on SMEs due to the payment of overtime premiums is also acknowledged as a challenge that needs to be addressed. ■Alternative Leave System: It is also possible to establish a system to grant paid leaves, known as “alternate leaves” in lieu of paying the increased premium wages.  The introduction of this system requires a labor-management agreement, and there are provisions specifying that the leave must be granted within two months from the day following the end of the month with overtime work exceeding 60 hours. ■Relationship with Late-Night and Holiday Work: If overtime work exceeding 60 hours is performed during the late-night hours, employers are obligated to pay an overtime premium

Revision to Guidelines for Accounting Standards of SMEs

In Japan, there are “Guidelines for Accounting of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises” (the Guidelines) that non-publicly listed companies or that are not large companies under the Companies Act can rely on when preparing their financial statements. Such companies are audited by Certified Public Accountants.  These Guidelines were recently revised on May 10, 2023. These Guidelines are created by four organizations: Japan Federation of Certified Public Tax Accountants’ Associations, The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants, The Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and The Accounting Standards Board of Japan, in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, the Financial Services Agency, and the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency. Compared to the corporate accounting standards that listed companies rely on in preparing their financial statements, the standards in these Guidelines are simplified and easier for SMEs to deal with. For example, these Guidelines allow the use of the “Last Purchase Price” method inventory valuation. In addition, certain tax accounting treatment is also permitted, resulting in fewer adjustments required for corporate tax returns. For example, the calculation of the allowance for doubtful accounts can be based on the criteria specified in the Corporate Tax Law under certain conditions. Furthermore, companies that prepare their